Then, navigation system observability and observable degree with different quantitative line-of-sight measurements are analyzed in detail by rank analysis of the error variance inverse matrix. 然后,通过对误差方差阵逆矩阵秩的分析,比较详尽地分析了不同数量视线观测条件下导航算法的可观度和可观性。
And, the determinant of the inverse matrix is the inverse of the determinant. So, they are really interchangeable. 那么,一个逆矩阵的行列式,就是原矩阵行列式的倒数,所以说,它们之间是可以互换的。
Moore-Penrose Generalized Inverse Matrix and Solution of Linear Equation Group Moore-Penrose广义逆矩阵与线性方程组的解
Some Common Properties Among Invertible Matrix, Adjoint Matrix and Inverse Matrix 可逆矩阵及其伴随矩阵、逆矩阵的一些共同特性
The whole stiffness matrix of structural system is derived by condensation approach. The moving process of deployable space truss structures was analyzed with the Moore-Penrose generalized inverse matrix. 分析了结构运动方程,并采用缩聚法建立结构总侧移刚度。采用广义逆矩阵方法分析空间可展桁架结构的运动过程。
The moving process of deployable space truss structures was analyzed with the Moore-Penrose generalized inverse matrix. 采用广义逆矩阵方法分析空间可展桁架结构的运动过程。
This paper presents two kinds of elevation algorithm which are based on the base functions conversion and generalized inverse matrix method. 在此,采用基转换方法以及基于广义逆的方法,并针对一类三角多项式样条曲线分别给出了升阶算法。
The inverse matrix calculation is the key to solve harmonic elimination PWM model of inverter based on Homotopy algorithm. 在运用同伦算法进行逆变器PWM消谐方程实时求解过程中,矩阵求逆是关键。
Therefore, a softened input strategy is proposed in this paper, it needn t computing the inverse matrix and thus reduces computation quantity greatly. 为了克服在线辨识计算量大的缺点,提出了一种简便易行、计算量小的柔化控制增量的方法。
When the stress mode is constructed by energy compatibility condition, the last stress mode involves the inverse matrix. 在利用能量协调条件构造应力模式时,最后的应力模式中含有矩阵的逆。
In order to calculate the inverse matrix of a QC-LDPC matrix, the generator polynomials are adopted to express the cyclic extended matrices in the QC-LDPC matrix. 该方法通过用多项式来表示QC-LDPC码中的循环扩展矩阵,大大地降低了需要计算矩阵逆阵的维数。
An algorithm based on inverse matrix for mean variance portfolio selection model is proposed. 介绍均值方差资产组合选择模型的一种以逆矩阵为基础的算法。
The calculation of an inverse matrix is a lot of work, but by using the properties of vector cross products we can simplify the calculations. 计算逆矩阵的工作量较大,但是通过逆矩阵的叉积我们可以简化计算。
The proposed robust adaptive beamforming algorithm can be efficiently computed at a comparable cost with other algorithms for using the recursive method to obtain inverse matrix. 本文采用递推方法来计算逆矩阵,大大地降低了计算复杂度,能够满足实时处理的要求。
A Solution on General Inverse Matrix A Class of Nonlinear Evolution Equations Solvable by Inverse Scattering Method 求矩阵广义逆的另一种初等变换方法可用逆散射方法求解的一类非线性演化方程
The existence condition is then transformed to the stabilizability of the assistant system through a generalized inverse matrix and the assistant system. 利用广义逆矩阵并构造辅助系统,将降价观测器的存在条件转化为判断辅助系统的可镇定性。
And in this study, an unified matrix solution was given based on the systems of linear indefinite equations with integral coefficients and generalized inverse matrix. 目前的文献资料中关于整系数线性不定方程组的解法很多,这些方法的一个共同特点是没有规律性且计算过程复杂。
Ridge Estimate on Moore-Penrose Inverse Matrix of Generalized Linear Regression Model 广义线性回归模型的Moore-Penrose逆阵岭估计
The classical Wiener estimation requires both the statistical parameters of the channel and calculation of the inverse matrix. 经典Wiener估计不仅需要获得信道的统计参数,而且需要对矩阵进行求逆,这就大大增加了算法的计算量。
A Study of Dynamic Decoupling Fuzzy Control Systems by Means of Generalized Inverse Matrix 矩阵广义逆在动态解耦模糊控制系统中的应用研究
This paper discusses some properties of the generalized inverse matrices and gives a algorithm for solving the reverse question of linear algebraic equations by one kind of the generalized inverse matrix ── Left inverse matrix. 本文讨论了矩阵的广义逆的若干性质,并利用一类特殊的广义逆&左逆,给出了求解线性方程组的反问题和一般性方法。
As compared with general node approach, presented method needs not use the inverse matrix of inductance. 与一般节点法相比,在建立方程中不必求电感支路的电感逆矩阵;
This article discusses order elevation algorithm for the TMB curves based on generalized inverse matrix. 讨论了基于广义逆的TMB型曲线升阶算法。
Inverse matrix calculation is simplified by the concept of orthogonal test design in this process. 在线性化及求梯度过程中运用正交试验设计原理简化了矩阵求逆运算。
The property and function of a special generalized inverse matrix in the model correction has been indirectly demonstrated in this paper. 本文对一种特殊的广义逆矩阵在模型修正中使用时可能具有的性质与功能给予了间接的论证,从而为这种广义逆的进一步应用给予了提示。
The test results validate the two-phase ray tracing method and the inversion method based on the generalized inverse matrix. 试验成果验证了两阶段的射线追踪方法和基于广义逆的反演方法的正确性。
Generalized Hermite matrix and generalized inverse matrix unified. 将各类酉矩阵、Hermite矩阵及广义逆矩阵统一了起来。
A generalized inverse matrix of the Jacobian matrix was calculated using SVD method; 采用奇异值分解方法计算Jacobian矩阵的广义逆;
Then a new fault tolerant planning algorithm based on weighted generalized inverse matrix is proposed; 然后,提出了基于加权广义逆矩阵的容错运动规划算法;
This algorithm is based on the Eigenvalue shift of covariance matrix and its power iteration. It not needs the inverse matrix. 这种算法基于协方差矩阵的特征值平移和矩阵的幂迭代,而不需要矩阵求逆。